This weeks AMFisH fishing vlog – having a plan of attack for your outings – fishing.

Hi AMFisHers!  This weeks AMFisH(LEARN more: fishing vlog is about having a plan of attack for your fishing outings:

I can stress how important this is and how much better your fishing outings will be with a strategy in place for your outings.  As we all see the amount of work professional bass fisherman out in preparing for fishing tournaments, with all those hours upon hours of putting together a strategy for each tournament day.  Well we as AMFisHers need to put in some time as well, maybe not to the pros extent BUT it is critical to have a strategy for your outings as it can be a big contributing factor to you catching fish.

Now where to start?  A good place is making sure your tackle and gear is ready for the outing, this means having the baits you want to use for the day organized in one place, rods you want to use all rigged up with your first batch of starting baits for that outing/lake, spots on the lake picked out and a approach for fishing those spots once you get there, simple little stuff like this.

Everything from time of arrival to the lake, estimated time you will start fishing your first spot, examining the weather upon arrival at the lake, all key points that should not be overlooked, WHY well although some may think these are all simple little things that can be done once you get to the lake, we all know how fast we forget about things when the excitement of fishing kicks in, so being ready and sticking to a plan is key.

Let’s say the weather is supposed to be bright and sunny all day with high heat and once you get to the lake you are greeted with severe overcast sky’s with a slight breeze, your strategy for that hot bright day will need to be tweaked in order to catch fish.  Put those bright colored baits on hold for a while and pull out those darker profile baits that the fish will be able to zone in on a lot easier with the overcast sky’s.  Having a strategy in place is great BUT make sure you can tweak it at a moments notice, because Mother Nature can change quickly some days and we as AMFisHers have to change along with her.

If you get into the practice of strategizing a couple of days before your fishing outing, it will go a long way when it comes to how versatile you can actually become on the water.   The best part comes when you have a plan of attack for outings that is fully customizable when it comes to tweaking it on a last minute basis, example a GO TO BOX of baits that can be used under several conditions, this way you are not wasting valuable time trying to find baits while on the lake.

We all know the more time your fishing rod spends out of the water the less fish we will actually catch, so start working on a basic starter strategy and before you know it you will be tweaking it very quickly and catching more fish!

Hope you found this post helpful!

The AMFisH guy…

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Easter weekend t-shirt discount!

Hi everyone!   The warmer weather is upon us and so is Easter, makes for some great energy in the air!

SHOP now:


ACT now and get $3.50 OFF all shirts from the Getting Ducked Sucks campaign!


These will sell Fast so click the link below and SHOP now:



Getting Ducked Sucks!

#funnyshirts #funnytshirts #tshirts #fishing

T-shirt campaign is launched! Getting ducked sucks t-shirts are here, ACT FAST before these sell out!

Hi everyone!   The Getting ducked sucks t-shirts are here!   We have all been ducked by that darn autocorrect, which is why I created this fun t-shirt to be that conversation piece engaging all of us to share those ever popular autocorrect ducked me again stories!


This shirt has been in the making for a long while now, wanted to offer a fun shirt about something we can all relate to as this happens pretty much daily in my life!

Autocorrect has no boundaries at all, if goes after my personal messages and even goes after my business messages which sucks the most!

Available for men & woman in a few different shirt styles and most importantly some great vibrant fun spring colours!

Click the link below and order yours today, these will definitely not last very long so ACT QUICKLY as you will not want to miss out!

Thanking you in advance for your support and look forward to hearing those funny ducked stories, so be sure to engage on the Getting ducked sucks FAN PAGE!


The AMFisH guy…



AMFisH daily blog post – spring fishing bait tips!

Hi fellow AMFisHers!   Spring is just around the corner and there are some key spring fishing strategies when it comes to what baits to use.

Bait fish are their smallest in the very early months so throwing a huge bait does not make for a good choice.   You will want to stick to smaller baits, in the 3.5″ and shorter range, as well as slimmer profile baits with not too much body bulk.

Spring is the time of year when everything is rejuvenating itself, small fry bait fish are scurrying around everywhere, insects are flying around and landing on the water holes, so a great choice of baits are ones that mimic these behaviors.

By using small simple/easy to fish baits like in-line spinners, beetle spins and spoons in very natural looking colours patterns, you capitalize on the current behavior of various food sources that fish gorge on in that spring season.

Coming out of a long, cold and dark downtime the fish light up at this new time of year and can feed rather intensely due to all the available food growing amongst them.  Keeping it simple for the first couple of months definitely increases your chances of many successful fishing days and some very memorable fishing days that may not happen again.

Below are a few pictures of the Williams spoons, Bluefox vibrax inline spinners, Johnson beetle spins and Mepp’s inline spinners which are in the 2″ to 3.5″ size range that you want a bait to be in during early spring.  They are very natural looking colours, silvers, black bug like patterns ad what you will want for a colour selection.   Lastly they give off some good vibration which you can’t use enough in the early spring to attract those fish strikes.





These may be small baits and you might be thinking that bigger fish would not go after baits this size, but many big fish will never pass up on an easy simple meal that they have to expend very little effort to gobble up.





Early season is a great time of year to catch some good fish and plenty of them so think small, natural and noisy to get them going.   You can also work these baits pretty quickly if the water temperature is slightly warmer than usual, spring bait fish and insects are not moving around slowly they are full of life and all over the place!   Get you small bait selection ready and enjoy the results they will bring.

Hope you found this post helpful and may tight lines find you this spring!

The AMFisH guy…

Hi AMFisHers! My “non winter” puppy enjoyed her first spring run outside today, she had a blast and looked really cute sporting her own AMFisH dog tag!

Head on into to pick yours up today!

The AMFisH guy…

Spring fishing no need for the really early start.

Hi AMFisHERS still in this early spring stage and thought I would share some more fishing tips with all of you!   Due to the weather still being relatively cool especially the overnight temps, there is no need to get up very early to be at the lake for 7:00am.

Best way to treat this time of year when it comes to fishing is with a later start in the morning, that way the water has warmed up and the day has finally broken to the sun coming up.

Sure you can hit the water very early when it is still very cool and you may catch a fish or two BUT the real fishing usually starts when the water starts to warm up and the fish start to move around more quickly.

It’s almost like fishing in the early fall when the weather starts to get cold, hitting the lake very early will only result in some frustration as to why you can’t catch fish.  

Enjoy some extra sleep for the month of May and keep an eye on those evening temperatures, as long as they stay cool you sleep in the next morning, should they forecast warmer evenings then you can start to fish earlier and earlier.

Take your time enjoy those spring mornings and when you see that sun is starting to rise finish that coffee and toast for a few more minutes then take your time heading to the lake, you may be shocked at the fish catching result of those later starts.

The AMFisH guy…

Hi AMFisHers !   Spring is almost here and thought I would remind all of you to try smaller baits on your first several outings this spring, WHY well all the baitfish will still me quite small so throwing baits the size you would normally throw in the summer months may actually not produce a lot of fish.

Keeping your baits around that 2” to 2 1/2” size is just right, similar sizes and baits to these Mepps spinners in this picture.   You would be shocked at some of the very big fish I have caught in the early spring that absolutely “SMASHED” small baits I was throwing !

Some good baits to try are the small Johnson beetle spins, Mepps spinners above, small spinnerbaits that you can find in the pan fish sections of your local stores, Mann’s 1 – minus shallow crankbaits these are amazing little baits, Strike King redeye shad lipless crankbaits in the small size as these are all a few of my spring go to baits.

Keep it small on those first few outings and you might be surprised as to how many fish you actually catch !

Wish you all lots of luck for some really good catches this year ! ! ! !

The AMFisH guy…

A few tips on spring fishing…

As I have mentioned in previous posts spring fishing can be quite productive but here are some key things to note.  First always keep in mind that come spring the bait fish in many waters are still quite small so if you are fishing for say bass, pike or musky keep the baits between 2 1/2” to 5” in length, this will be the closest match to bait fish at that time. 

Second look for the very bright green weeds in the shallows and work baits quickly on every retrieve.  Many fish will more then likely react to that fast action, resulting in strikes !

Third use an array of colours, we can usually entice fish with brighter more attractive baits in the spring and summer months, allowing you to cover lots of good water quickly.

Simple things like this can really make for very good fishing days early in the season…

The AMFisH guy…

Spring fishing !

Spring fishing, one of the most amazing fishing times of the year….well all depends on where you live and fish.  Here is Canada the weather is quite “insane” leaving us fisherman couped up for several months unless you are into ice fishing.

There is truly something to be said about spring fishing, melt off of snow, rejuvenation of the water ways and roaming aggressive fish ready to strike !   Bass season here does not open until late June but the early season pike fishing is more then enough to keep my fishing rods bending over time and time again.

Simple rules I follow is fishing the shallows, break point to very healthy deeper weeds and pretty much all the shoreline I can cast to throughout the day.  Fast moving baits seem to be irresistible to pike in the early season, coming off a long non active cold winter, they really do get quite aggressive once the weather warms up.

Small fast moving crank baits like the mann’s. cotton cordel, strike king lip less cranks and spinnerbaits end up producing the most fish !  Why, well again as the weather warms up fish seem to move around more in the warmer spring water, always see lots of bait fish through the water re-birth stage as I call it.

Cast the shores and keep and eye out for the various bait species, as those are the areas you will  have the most success fishing.  Pike love to ambush baits, have caught many in one spot kind of like they are staking it out because they know schools of bait are in that area.

Get out there with those fast moving baits, cast your heart out like I do and you will quickly learn why spring fishing is really cool !